Welcome to Planet Dance! Join us on a captivating journey through the vibrant world of dance, where movement becomes the universal language. Discover the fascinating ways dancers communicate and express themselves through the art of “Body Talk”. Our interactive matinee promises to delight audiences of all ages with its dynamic choreography, engaging storytelling, and immersive experience! Get ready to explore the diverse cultures and styles of dance in a fun and participatory show that will leave you inspired and entertained!
Dance is a form of language that transcends cultures and dancers are storytellers that share their stories through their bodies. Annually, the San Antonio Dance Festival enriches lives by presenting an exciting line-up of exemplary dance across many genres. In this special performance for youth, professional dancers and companies from around the world will lead students on a cultural journey that shares their artistry, inspirations, passions and culture through the universal language of dance.
Recommended for all ages.